

Event Sound

We provide temporary audio support for many different events including conferences, public enquiries, annual general meetings, seminars, product launches, special events and official openings.

Event sound system

The services we can offer include sound system with fully trained operator, induction loop (to assist people that use a hearing aid) and audio recording of the proceedings.

We can provide radio lapel microphones for presenters, radio handheld microphones for questions from the floor, lectern and top table microphones, cd player and audio input from laptop for presentations that contain audio.

We are based in Mid-Wales can provide audio support for events throughout the whole of Wales and the borders.

Conference sound system

Our clients include:

- Equality and Human Rights Commission

- National Assembly for Wales

- Care Council for Wales

- Sports Council for Wales

- Powys County Council

- Powys Healthcare NHS Trust

- Estyn

- Hereford Primary Care Trust

- Clwyd Alyn Housing Association

- Pennaf

- Disability Wales

- Mid Wales Manufacturing Group

- North Wales Fire Service

- Arts Council for Wales

- Guild of Graduates

- Office for Public Management

- Wales Local Government Association

- Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee

- Children in Wales

- Disability Powys

- Gideons International

- Pony Club of Great Britain

- Gloucestershire County Council

- Welsh European Programme Executive

- South Wales Police

-Countryside Council for Wales

And many more!