

Places of Worship

Sound Induction Systems Ltd have carried out hundreds of audio installations in places of worship of many denominations and worship styles in buildings ranging from small chapels to large cathedrals.

We work closely with architects and Parochial Church Councils in the preparation of faculty applications. Our installations have been approved by English Heritage, Cadw and Diocesan Advisory Committees throughout the UK.

Church sound system

We have over 30 years experience installing sound systems into places of worship/listed buildings. We design, supply and install sound reinforcement systems to suit the fabric of the building. This ensures minimal impact on the architecture and achieves natural speech reproduction so that the congregation may not realise a sound system is being used!

We select the appropriate equipment to suit the building and our customer’s requirements, installing it to be unobtrusive by concealing the equipment and wiring wherever possible.

We also supply and install sound systems that are suitable for live worship bands or recorded music.

Sound Reinforcement system

A typical system will comprise of wireless lapel/headband microphones, miniature carbon boom gooseneck microphones, a mixer/amplifier and a pair of loudspeakers. These types of system are cost effective, simple to operate and require minimal training to operate.

Professional sound systems

This type of system may comprise of wireless lapel/headband and handheld microphones, miniature carbon boom gooseneck and vocal microphones. A microphone mixing desk and power amplifier with full-range loudspeakers may be installed. Direct injection (D.I.) boxes may be provided to enable keyboards or other audio sources to be interfaced to the sound system.


We can:

- provide a lockable audio cabinet to securely house the equipment.

- add a small cabinet loudspeaker with volume control in the crèche or in other rooms for overflow.

- install a loudspeaker point in the porch and provide a weatherproof loudspeaker on a stand for relaying larger services, for example funerals.

- incorporate an induction loop system to assist hearing aid wearers and ensure compliance with the Equality Act.

- include a CD player or aux-in to enable music to be played to accompany worship or to play specific music for weddings or funerals.

- include a compact disc recorder or digital mp3 recorder (USB or SD card) to record services.


 Whether you need a new system, your existing system servicing or just a spare part please contact us.

Church AV system in mid wales