Contacta Field Strength Meter
The Contacta Field Strength Meter is used to commission an induction loop hearing system. The Field Strength Meter assists in verifying that a hearing loop system has been installed and certified to IEC 60118-4 standards.
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General Description
The Contacta Field Strength Meter is used to commission an induction loop hearing system. The Field Strength Meter sssists in verifying that a hearing loop system has been installed and certified to IEC 60118-4 standards.
Accurate and easy to read
Simple button operation
Flat spectrum output
Headphone output
LCD display
Compact handheld design
Based on the IEC 60118-4 specification
Delivery Includes
1 Contacta Field Strength Meter (IL-CONTACTA-FSM)
Technical Data
hysical Data:
Height – 139.7mm (5.5”)
Width – 91.4mm (3.6”)
Depth – 27.9mm (1.1”)
Weight 250g (0.55lbs)
Construction ABS Plastic
Finish Black
Measurement Range -54dB to +9dB (0.0126 to 14.176 mG)
Resolution 0.1dB
Calibration Calibrated at 1,000Hz (sine) to read 0dB at 5.03 mG
Flat Response ±1dB from 50Hz to 10,000Hz
Display 16x2 LCD Character Display
Input 1/8” stereo headphone jack
Power 9v Alkaline battery, 5.8-14v
Manufacturer | Contacta |
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